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Release or reassign your team's cards from the Admin Panel

Release or reassign your team's cards from the Admin Panel

Mobilo Card provides digital business cards that not only share contact details seamlessly, but also reduce waste. If your cards don't have contact information printed/engraved, you can repurpose them by reassigning to a new person. That way if one of your team members leaves, you don't have to order a new card.

You can reassign or release your team's cards via the Mobilo app or our web portal at

From the app:

  1. Please ensure to download the Mobilo Card App from the Apple Store or Google play store
  2. Once logged in, on the upper left of the app tap on the Menu or icon 
  3. Look for the Team tab and tap on it.
Team icon
  1. Use the Search bar to find the user’s card you wish to change and tap on their name.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, more options will pop up, tap on Manage Cards
Manage Cards
  1. Look for the card you wish to Release or Re-assign, and tap on the Pencil icon. 
  2. From the bottom the option to Release or Re-assign. Select one of the options and tap on Apply
Card Admin

From the web portal:

  1. Once logged in, at the left hand side menul, click on Teams.
Portal teams
  1. Next, use the Search bar to find the team member whose card you wish to reassign or release, & hit the Manage button:
Manage Accounts
  1. On the next page, scroll down until you find the Manage Cards section, click on the card you wish to release or reassign
  2. A menu will pop up on the right hand side showing three options. Click on the Card Admin tab (as shown below) to either Release or Re-assign the card.

card mode

*Releasing the card will remove all the prior contact information, and that card will no longer be associated with the previous email address. 

*After release, tapping the card or scanning the QR code will bring up a blank signup form. Add the new cardholder's email address and details there. The card will then be assigned to the new address, and a login email will be sent out to the new cardholder.

*Reassigning the card will allow you to assign the card to a new or existing account. You can input the new cardholder's details manually from the admin panel. 

*After reassigning, the information from the previous cardholder will be removed from the card. 

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