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NFC on Android

NFC on Android

NFC Activation for Android Devices:

Quick Access:

  1. Open Settings and search for “nfc” in the field at the top.
  2. If Android returns a search result like NFC or Near Field Communication, then NFC is available on your Android smartphone or tablet.
  3. There should be a toggle to enable this functionality. 

Manually Enabling NFC:

  1. Open settings. 
  2. Access Connections (Depending on your device it could be labeled as More Connections or Connected Devices)
  3. On the next screen, tap on Connection Preferences.
  4. In the list of settings, you should see the NFC or Near Field Communication entry. Make sure it is toggled on to enable it.

Please note that your settings and accessibility might vary depending on the model and make of your Android device. For further information on how to access your device’s NFC, please refer to your phone’s support pages for further assistance.

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