With all of our Mobilo Cards, you’ll be able to update or add contact information to your virtual card at any time and as many times as you need to. Changed your social media handles? No problem, this “how to” will help!
In this article, we’ll show you how to add your social media links to your virtual contact card.
2. Scroll down and you’ll see Content. Click on "Add Content" to select the fields that you want to add to your digital card:
For these fields, it is important for you to use share links and NOT your handles. For example, to add
Whatsapp: It is very important for you to use the following template https://wa.me/123456789 where the “123456789” is a full phone number including the country code (without the “+” sign).
Instagram: The correct link to put in there for Instagram would be https://www.instagram.com/mobilodigital/ instead of @mobilodigital.
3. Once you have entered the link and updated other necessary fields, click on Add at the bottom of the screen.
And that’s it! now people can message you on WhatsApp just by tapping the link.
When selecting a field, you can add the link, change the name of the label that will appear on the Landing Page, and add a short description if you want to:
Remember to click on "Add" at the bottom of the screen once you finish.
Once you go back and see all the content you added, you have some toggles available. If the toggle is Off on a field, it means that it won't show up on the landing page, but it will show up on the digital card.
If the toggle is On, the field will show up in both the landing page and the digital card.
2. You'll see a preview of your landing page. Click on edit at the top right.
And that’s it! now people can access your social media just by tapping the link. For showcasing your social media accounts we recommend you explore our Personal landing page mode.
If you have any questions or need assistance don’t hesitate to contact us at support@mobilocard.com.